The Plant Protection Division is made up of two sections; Entomology section and Pathology section.
The entomology section monitors insect pest infestation on crop germplasm with the view to developing efficient pest management and control measures for conserved plant genetic resources. Studies are conducted to determine characteristics of insect pests of major crops and through evaluation activities , PGR that are resilient to the insect pests are identified and promoted for adoption by farmers and for utilization in crop improvement programmes. The section also conducts various research activities to address insect pest challenges associated with widely cultivated PGR.
Plant Pathology Section is responsible for monitoring, identification and management of diseases of conserved PGR. The section develops viable disease management methods for the orthodox germplasm under cold storage, the field genebank and the nursery. Orthodox seeds' health status are assessed regularly to improve quality and longevity at storage. Through evaluation activities, PGR that are resistant to major pathogens are determined and promoted for adoption by farmers and for utilization in crop improvement programmes. The section also conducts various research activities to address disease challenges confronting the crop production system.